Our Patient Charter
This Patient Charter describes the rights of patients using our radiology services. It allows our staff and patients alike to work together to achieve best possible outcomes in the services provided.
Our Patient Charter
This Patient Charter describes the rights of patients using our radiology services. It allows our staff and patients alike to work together to achieve best possible outcomes in the services provided.

Your rights
I-MED Radiology Network’s Patient Charter describes the rights of patients using our radiology services. The Charter recognises that people receiving radiology services and the people providing them all have important parts to play in achieving health care rights. It allows us as a service providing healthcare to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving our service. This shared understanding helps us all to work together towards a safe and high quality system to allow best possible outcomes.
At I-MED we take pride in providing safe, high quality radiology services to all our patients and consumers. Please advise any of our staff if you have a concern about safety, or think an error has been made. Your right to safe, high quality care relies on open, clear communication. This includes sharing accurate information enabling us to provide the correct service, in the best interests of your health.
Every patient is treated with respect, dignity and consideration at all times. I-MED ensures that you are safe and comfortable as far as possible, and services are provided in surroundings that allow personal privacy. I-MED will be respectful of your religious and cultural beliefs and observe your rights to be treated without discrimination based on your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, carer status, disability or marital status.
I-MED is committed to the practice of quality radiology and strives to be at the forefront of our industry. I-MED is committed to providing the best facilities and equipment, whilst recruiting and retaining the best talent in diagnostic imaging. We constantly review and measure our performance to identify learning opportunities for ongoing improvement.
I-MED will provide clear and concise information and explanations on all aspects of your procedure to enable you to fully participate. You are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarity. Should you wish to decline or discontinue with your exam or procedure, the technicians and doctors will advise you of the risks, consequences and responsibilities of this decision.
Your consent will be sought before Medical Imaging investigations or treatments are carried out.
I-MED asks you to assist us by participating as much as possible in your care; you can do this by providing complete and accurate information about your medical condition, history, medications and any other factor which may be relevant to your care.
We encourage you to inform staff if you do not understand any aspect of the information provided to you. Clinic staff are always happy to explain any aspect of your examination.
We welcome your participation in promoting mutual respect and courteous communication with I-MED staff, fellow patients and visitors.
We appreciate your assistance with providing staff accurate financial and health insurance information by completing forms prior to leaving our facilities.
Rights and responsibilities
At I-MED, the health and wellbeing of every patient is very important to us.
Patients have the right to be well informed about their x-ray, scan or procedure prior to their examination and are responsible for the decisions made about their own healthcare. I-MED will help patients to make informed decisions and assist with any concerns.
All I-MED radiology departments are committed to ensuring the rights of patients and consumers. For information refer to the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The Charter allows patients, consumers, families, carers and health care services to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving health care.
Your feedback is valuable to us and we welcome both compliments and complaints about any aspect of our service. I-MED views feedback as an opportunity for learning and necessary to ensuring ongoing quality improvements.
You can send us your feedback using the form here.