Report feedback

At I-MED Radiology, we recognise the crucial role of clinical collaboration between radiologists and referrers in achieving optimal patient outcomes. Report feedback on quality and completeness of reports helps us evaluate and improve the clinical value of patient reports.

Report feedback

At I-MED Radiology, we recognise the crucial role of clinical collaboration between radiologists and referrers in achieving optimal patient outcomes. Report feedback on quality and completeness of reports helps us evaluate and improve the clinical value of patient reports.

We would like to hear from you

Our radiologists are actively seeking feedback from referring practitioners to evaluate and improve the clinical value of their reports. We have created a mechanism so that you can provide feedback on the overall quality of a specific I-MED radiology report and the level of detail provided.

Using our Report Feedback link, you have the opportunity to provide feedback relevant to a specific report. Your response will be provided to individual I-MED radiologists and will also be systematically analysed to identify any themes we need to address.

You can access the form shown below via a convenient link at the bottom of I-MED reports.

To discuss a report or to provide general feedback, please contact your local clinic.

If you have any queries, please refer to the FAQs here or contact the I-MED team at or 1300 147 852.

What this feedback mechanism is not:

The report feedback link is not a channel to provide general feedback on your I-MED experience or request a comparison report. If you would like to provide additional feedback, please do so in one of the following ways: 

  • Call the clinic to engage directly with the reporting radiologist about the report or contact our Referrer Success Team on 1300 147 852 or  
  • General enquiries can be shared with us here.
  • As part of our “Voice of the Customer” program, we value your feedback and use it as an important tool to shape our service. The “Voice of the Customer” survey can be accessed here.

How do I provide feedback? keyboard_arrow_down

Click on the link at the bottom of the report and the image viewer will open. Within the image viewer interface, you will see a feedback button in the top right-hand corner. Click on the feedback button and you will be presented with four questions to answer.

Why can't I see a link to submit report feedback? keyboard_arrow_down

The link to submit feedback on a radiology report may not be available for several reasons:

  • The report feedback link is not available for I-MED studies performed at clinics in Sydney Inner West, Tasmania, and regional sites in Gippsland, Sale, Bairnsdale, Border, Riverina, Wagga Wagga, Griffith and Darwin.  
  • Your reports are not set up for electronic downloads  
  • Your practice management software does not support the url link within the report 
  • The feedback link is not available for practices that use Gentu software 

Please contact I-MED's Referrer Success Team for clarification and support about access to the report feedback link. 

Can I use the feedback button to request a comparison report? keyboard_arrow_down

No, the feedback button exists solely to obtain your feedback regarding the quality of the report. If you require a comparison report, please contact the clinic to engage directly with the reporting radiologist.

What happens to the feedback that I submit? keyboard_arrow_down

Responses will be provided to individual radiologists and collectively analysed to identify any systemic themes to be addressed. You will not be contacted further about your report-specific feedback.

If I select ‘No (my clinical has not been answered)”, how will that be rectified? keyboard_arrow_down

The information provided in the feedback link is for internal use only. If your clinical question was not answered in the report you are providing feedback on, please call the clinic to engage directly with the reporting radiologist about the report or contact our Referrer Success Team on 1300 147 852 or

Can another clinician provide feedback on a report shared with them? keyboard_arrow_down

Yes, if you as the referring practitioner share the report with another clinician, the other clinician will be able to access the feedback link and provide feedback but only if the first referrer has not provided feedback. Once a user has completed the feedback form and hit “complete”, the link will be disabled, and no more feedback can be provided for that report.

Who can see the feedback that I submit? keyboard_arrow_down

The reporting Radiologist and the Chief Medical Officer will be able to see your feedback, for each report.

How often can I submit report feedback? keyboard_arrow_down

You can submit feedback once for each report. The link becomes inactive once feedback has been submitted. You can submit feedback in each report that you access through the link contained in the report itself.

What if I have additional non-urgent feedback that I would like to provide to I-MED? keyboard_arrow_down

If you would like to provide additional feedback: 

  • Call the clinic to engage directly with the reporting radiologist about the report or contact our Referrer Success Team on 1300 147 852 or
  • General enquiries can be shared with us here.
  • As part of our “Voice of the Customer” program, we value your feedback and use it as an important tool to shape our service. The “Voice of the Customer” survey can be accessed here.

How do I submit urgent feedback regarding this report? keyboard_arrow_down

Call the clinic to engage directly with the reporting radiologist about the report or reach out to our Referrer Success Team on 1300 147 852 or

How can I get support for any technical issues? keyboard_arrow_down

Please contact our Referrer Success Team on 1300 147 852 or if you are experiencing any technical issues. Any technical issues that can't be resolved by the Referrer Success Team will be escalated to our IT Support team.